Download Your Battle-Tested Forms Today
It goes without saying that Texas Legal Forms is about forms. I mean, I didn’t put this comprehensive library together for nothing. I spent years in the legal trenches doing battle with all sorts of adversaries testing and re-testing my forms. While there’s really no substitute for receiving the advice and expertise of a licensed Texas attorney, there are many situations where all you need is a simple form. If you fall into the latter category, you have come to the right place. Texas Legal Forms was designed to make the form-shopping process as simple as it can be.
What makes my forms so special? Here’s an example: did you know that in Texas, if you don’t ask for Independent Administration in your Last Will & Testament, your probate will be processed as a Dependent Administration when you pass away? That means every single thing your executor wants to do will need to be approved in advance by the probate court. So, do you think generic legal form websites like Nolo.com or LegalZoom.com know this and include the magic language in their forms? I’ll save you the trouble: they don’t, and by using them, you’ll learn the hard way that what you needed was a battle-tested Last Will & Testament form from me that includes everything you need to process a loved one’s probate as an Independent Administration (where, once appointed, the executor needs no further permission from the probate court to do anything).
Don’t waste your time rummaging through generic forms websites like Nolo.com or LegalZoom.com. They are a waste of your time and money. At Texas Legal Forms, you will find an extensive list of battle-tested forms from a variety of legal disciplines, all of which are within my wheelhouse. Of course, if you don’t see a form you think you need, feel free to reach out to me, and I’ll see what I can do to help you.
But my website doesn’t stop with providing thorough, quality legal forms. My website is about taking the practice of law into the 21st Century. Don’t forget that I am a real estate and estate-planning lawyer. I have clients all over the Great State of Texas. I have seen a trend over the last 20 years where most of my clients don’t need or even want an in-office visit. They realize that by utilizing a variety of communication devices like email, Skype, Facetime, and now Zoom, the same results can be accomplished without the concern that I will be attempting to pass on my office overhead to the final bill. Through my website, we can communicate together to achieve quality legal results. If you need quality legal results at a reasonable price, please reach out to me now.
As for my qualifications, rest assured, I am no rookie. I have been practicing law in the state of Texas for more than 25 years. I have a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting from the University of Texas at Austin. I have a Master of Science in Tax Accounting from the University of Missouri – Kansas City (where I’m originally from) and a law degree from UMKC, as well. If you’re good at math, that’s 9 years of post-high school education, which, by way, was a Goodhart family record that still stands to this day.
To keep me honest, you can further investigate my credentials at www.texasbar.com.